August 2024
Dear Chapter Members and Friends,
Greetings to all members of the Central Florida Chapter of the American Guild of Organists! Allow me to introduce myself to any of those of you who do not know me. I am Boyd Jones, and am honored to have been elected as the new Dean of the CFAGO. I am University Organist and John E. and Aliese Price Professor of Organ in the School of Music, Stetson University, DeLand, where I have been on the faculty since 1998. I was born and raised in Louisville, Kentucky, and came from there to Stetson University as an undergraduate organ major. Subsequent degree work (MM, MMA, DMA) was done at Yale University’s School of Music.
While my full-time work has always been in academia, I have also held part-time organist positions in churches near my places of employment, and now play for First Presbyterian Church in DeLand. Sub-Dean André Lash and I hope to lead the chapter in the coming seasons, as we present recitals and concerts, host workshops, and provide social gatherings for the members.
I hope we can expand the profile of the CFAGO, bringing more non-members into our events, and partnering with other cultural organizations as appropriate. We have a full season planned. The board met just a short time ago, and finalized many plans for the coming season. You will see information about that here, and will hear about individual events as the season progresses.
May we all find joy and fulfillment in our musical endeavors, and support each other in our musical work. I wish you a joyful and successful year!