
Here, all are welcome to join in the diverse programs, enjoy the fellowship of this harmonious assembly of organ enthusiasts, and support one another in their musical endeavors.  We are grateful for your presence, and our hope is to make this Central Florida AGO chapter a warm, caring community that you can call home.

To learn more about us and how to join us for any of our events, or to renew or transfer your membership, check out the menu above.

The morning will begin with a light breakfast and social time at 8:30 AM followed by the workshops at 9:00 AM. In order to have the requisite number of handouts, the presenters need to have at least an approximate count no later than Monday, November 4 (the day preceding Election Day). To RSVP please look for the link in the email that was sent to all Chapter Members. Even if you are uncertain that you will attend all of the morning’s workshops, please RSVP. (Please read the descriptive information regarding the Offerings and the Clinicians.)

© 2024 by the Central Florida Chapter, American Guild of Organists