Please include your full name and contact information when sending a message for any of the items listed below. |
To inquire about membership (new, dual or transferring) please contact our Membership Director, Dr. Shannon Fore. |
If you are a member in good standing and would like to be added to the list of Supply Organists and Organ Teachers, or if your contact information and availability changes, please contact Douglas Spike. |
If you wish to be added to our email list, please click here. |
If you would like to become involved with Chapter Publicity, Hospitality*, Program Planning suggestions, or Professional Development, or if you would just like to contribute an idea to enliven and enrich our chapter, please contact any Chapter Officer or Board member. *Hospitality has many facets: greeting and welcoming concert attendees, handing out programs, receiving offerings when included in a program, or assisting with refreshments after an event. It is not expected that any one person is likely to have an interest in all of these aspects. If you have an interest in involvement with any of these duties, please contact any Chapter Officer of Board member. |
If you are involved with or are promoting an Organ Concert or event that is likely to be of interest to our membership and would like to have it posted on the CFAGO Community Concerts webpage, please fill out and submit the form on the Concert Submissions webpage. |
If you wish to sell or donate an instrument that has potential as a practice instrument for an organist, please fill out and submit the form on the For Sale Instrument Ad Submissions webpage. |
If your information in the CFAGO Directory & Yearbook has changed or needs to be updated, please email Douglas Spike. |